Beautiful Gatlinburg

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ladies Shopping Trip!

A trip to the beautiful Smoky Mountains in Tennessee wouldn't be complete without visiting the wonderful and unique area shops! Join Pandy and her bridesmaids for a special shopping trip, complete with pawsome transportation! Meet us in the lobby at 4:00 for an hour of power shopping second only to #ParisShopping! You might even find that "special something" you've been thinking about for a wedding gift!

Let the guys go hiking - we know what's really fun - SHOPPING! See you there!


  1. Oooh. Another shopping trip! Yay! I'll have to dress up for this one.

  2. Hmm, may have to send @Ladycat3 on dat trip while I go hiking with the guys.

  3. Yay Yay is gonna be sooooo fun- will they has drinkies in the woods? will there be nom noms?

    Petie the Cat

  4. *tries on favorite pink dress to make sure it still fits* SHOPPING!!!
